Monday, April 27, 2009

HIV cases up among young people in El Paso

EL PASO, Texas — Cases of people testing positive for the human immunodeficiency virus, which can lead to AIDS, are up overall and among young people in El Paso.
The city's Department of Public Health shows that 22 cases of HIV have been reported in the first three months of this year. There were 64 cases of HIV reported in all of 2008.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

STD Testing: the need of the hour

STD or Sexually Transmitted Disease is one of the major concerns for the medical science community. It generally denotes those diseases that travel from one body to another through sexual intercourse and other sexual acts. Like other diseases, this is also caused by viruses and these viruses take different body fluids like saliva, semen, etc. as a means for their transmission. However, even though sexual acts are the main way of transmission, this is not the only way. There are many other means as well.

Still, every disease has its own way to spread. HIV, for example, spreads mainly through the unprotected sexual intercourse. Other sexually transmuted diseases like Syphilis, Chlamydia, etc. spread through similar process. Herpes, on the other hand, can be spread through different ways.

In fact, there are two types of Herpes. The type 1 affects the mouth and therefore it is called oral herpes, while the type 2 affects the genitals. Both of them are however, caused by same virus named Herpes Simplex Virus or HSV.

There is a wide range of symptoms that can be found in herpes. Important among them are cold sores and painful blisters. They appear on the infected area, be it the genitals, or mouth and lips. The cold sores appear initially as fluid-filled blisters. Then it turns into painful ones. The number of blisters can vary from one to many.

One of the most critical factors about the disease is that its primary symptoms often heal quickly after their appearance. But that does not mean the total deletion of the HSV. Rather, they remain in the body and reappear after some time. Also, there is a tendency to think of the symptoms as ordinary skin irritation.

As many as 90% of people that have Herpes are not aware they have the disease. Oral Herpes can be found in more than 50% of the adults. This is dangerous as well, since oral sex can transfer the disease to the genitals. The disease can be infected to a new born baby if her mother has it during her pregnancy.

Therefore, every individual should under go STD Tests. Not only Herpes, other STDs also, can only be detected by STD testing. Since all of them can travel from one’s body to the other’s body, detection can prevent it from getting spread.

SafeLabCentre is the best for confidential STD testing. After all, most of you want privacy when dealing with such a sensitive matter. At the same time, they provide each and every kind of test that is essential to detect the different STDs. Their website provides all the details about their STD testing locations. Also, if you want to know about the diseases, how they spread, what are the symptoms, you can check out the site, as it provides all the information you need to know about STD testing. If you need more information, you can call and speak to their counselors. They have been trained to answer your questions as well as set up STD Testing for you at your convenience.